Suffolk Parent Carer Forum
SPCF is the official, statutory co-production partner of Suffolk County Council and the Integrated Care Board (NHS), bringing the voices of parents and carers to shape services for better outcomes for the children and young people of Suffolk with SEND.
News and Updates

The February half term edition of our newsletter is now live! This edition has health and education updates from SPCF, information on upcoming focus groups and helpful information for SEND families this half term.
Click on the button below to take a look!
This year, we ran our Annual Survey from 14th May for 3 weeks to enable participants enough time to express their views and provide SPCF with a clear picture of how parents and carers were feeling about Education and Health services in Suffolk for their children and young people with SEND. We intend to use the findings of the survey to steer positive change with SEND & Mental Health Services in Suffolk. You can access the report below.
Our Aims & Objectives
To be the strategic consultative body within Suffolk representing families of children and young people with special/additional needs and/or disabilities, providing a liaison point for Statutory and Voluntary Agencies within Suffolk. This will be achieved by providing Parent Carer Representatives to work in co-production with local services.
To consult with and inform our membership with a view to ensuring that all children and young people in Suffolk with special/additional needs and/or disabilities meet their full potential and achieve the best possible outcomes.