
Types of Membership Available:


Full Membership is open to family members and carers of any child or young adult with special and/or additional needs, up to the age of 25 years and who live in or receive services Suffolk. Parent carers of post 25 years and bereaved members may remain Full Members, however, they will not be eligible for funded activities.


Associate Membership will be open to those individuals who are not eligible for Full Membership but wish to support the work of SPCF. Associate Members will be kept up to date by SPCF’s newsletter and will be able to attend Open Meetings and meetings that the Management Committee deem appropriate.


Affiliate Membership is for practitioners, within both the Voluntary and Statutory sectors. This membership will be kept up to date by receiving information and will be able to attend Open Meetings.

Membership Policy

Membership is not transferable, except in the event of the SPCF dissolving and a new Parent Carer Forum is acknowledged by Contact.

The Management Committee may only refuse an application for membership if, acting reasonably and properly,

they consider it to be in the best interests of the organisation to refuse the application.

  • The Management Committee must inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for the refusal within twenty-one days of the decision.
  • The Management Committee must consider any written representations the applicant may make about the decision. The trustees’ decision following any written representations must be notified to the applicant in writing but shall be final.

Management Committee members must keep a register of members, either in a written form or held on computer, and will ensure compliance with Data Protection Act 1988.

Only Full Members are entitled to vote; each Full Member has one vote.

If the Management Committee considers that any member’s conduct is in any way harmful to the aims and objectives of SPCF the Management Committee will reserve the right to terminate membership with immediate effect.

Any member may request to be removed from the register at any time and will no longer receive the newsletters.