Neuro Developmental

(Autism & ADHD)


This page provides guidance for parents and carers on the Neurodevelopmental (ND) Pathway for East & West Suffolk, and Waveney. It includes information how to start the referral process, who can refer and resources of support for families, including online workshops.

East & West Suffolk

The East & West Suffolk Neurodevelopmental Pathway is for children and young people aged 5-18 who live in East and West Suffolk who are suspected of having Autism or Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Who can refer to the Pathway?

To access the East & West Suffolk Neurodevelopmental Pathway, families need to collaborate with a practitioner who can act as the 'Lead Professional' for the referral process. They are not able to accept referrals directly from families at this time.

Information, Guidance and Referral Forms

Answers to parent and carer questions, as well as the referral criteria, guidance and forms provided by the Suffolk Local Offer can be found below.


Neurodevelopmental assessments in Waveney are undertaken by the NHS Community Paediatrics team based at the Newberry Child Development Centre in Gorleston, near Great Yarmouth.

Who can refer to the Pathway?

Referrals to the team can be made by your GP, your child's Paediatrician, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), an Educational Psychologist, or by your Social Worker if you have one.

General ND Resources

Please click the buttons below for general Neurodevelopmental (Autism & ADHD) information provided by Suffolk Local Offer which includes different definitions for common terms related to neurodevelopmental disorders and national resources of support.

Helpful advice from parents and carers on the Neurodevelopmental Pathway can be accessed by clicking on the Suffolk Local Offer ND Pathway page below and scrolling to the bottom and selecting the 'advice from parent carers' tab