What We Do

What is a Parent Carer Forum?

  • A parent carer forum is a organised group of parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/ or disabilities.
  • A parent carer forum is passionate about ensuring that the lived experiences of parent carers and their children are shared with the Local Authority, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Department for Education and other local organisations.
  • A parent carer forum is funded by the Department For Education, Local Authority and Clinical Commissioning Groups to help us achieve our goals.

What does Suffolk Parent Carer Forum do?

  • We work to gather the collective views and experiences of families with SEND age 0-25. Through co-production with local services we bring feedback we collect to improve the quality of services in Suffolk.
  • We work alongside, but independently from our Local Authority, education and health services.
  • We signpost families to services and groups, share useful information for parent carers, run events across Suffolk and hold Annual General Meetings.

How can you support Suffolk Parent Carer Forum?

  • You can become a member of our Forum here
  • Provide feedback of your experiences as a parent carer here
  • Join our Facebook group for useful information and feedback purposes here
  • Complete our surveys and polls
  • Attend our events and workshops
  • Use your knowledge and experience by becoming a parent carer representative

What can't Suffolk Parent Carer Forum do?

  • We are unable to take on individual family cases or view points. Our role is to be the collective voice of parent Carers.
  • We aren't a campaign group and are unable to take part in any campaign activity.

You can find out more about the role of a Parent Carer Forum by clicking the Contact logo below