As you are aware, there has been some changes within the Management Committee and an application has been sent to become a CIO. Part of the discussions that we have had about the future of the forum is about transparency and sharing information with our parent carers.
Although we appreciate that some members would like to have the information in great detail, this isn’t suitable for everyone and we need to be mindful that it needs to be accessible to all. What we would like to do is that every month we would provide a summary of the key meetings that we have attended, including anything raised by SPCF and any actions that have resulted from them. Along with this summary, we will also be sharing some of the meetings we will be attending the following month so you are able to share any specific feedback for those meetings.
It will take a little while for us to get this right, so we appreciate your patience whilst we set up something that meets the needs of parent carers and is sustainable with our capacity.
We feel that the school holidays would be a good time to collate the information from July and provide some key meetings for September so watch this space